You can deploy your own version of ForceGento in seconds using the Heroku button below:
You can also deploy ForceGento to Heroku using the command line:
Clone the repository
git clone
Create a Heroku application
cd ForceGento
heroku create
Install the ClearDB plugin
heroku addons:add cleardb:ignite
Install the New Relic plugin
heroku addons:add newrelic:stark
Install the SendGrid plugin
heroku addons:add sendgrid:starter
Deploy to Heroku
git push heroku master
Run the the application and complete the magento installation process:
Open the application in a browser:
heroku open
Get ClearDB database credentials and add at the time Magento installation:
heroku config
Input values for the admin username, password, Email Address and site name.
Click here for installing and configuring forcegento app using AppExchange.
Click here for installing and configuring forcegento app using Manage Package.
Click here to order the licence token key.
You can also install Magento on your local machine:
Clone the repository
git clone
Install the server dependencies
cd ForceGento
npm install
Create a local database
Start the server
wamp/xampp server
Run the application
Get local database credentials and add at the time Magento installation:
Create admin username and password, Email Address and Site name.
Click here for installing and configuring forcegento app using AppExchange.
Click here for installing and configuring forcegento app using Manage Package.
Download the Enterprise and Partner WSDL files from Salesforce org. Copy these files to \lib\soapclient.
Clone the repository (If already cloned then cd your APP_NAME and git pull)
git clone
git pull origin master
Add the credentials to app/etc/local.xml file. Download sample of local.xml file form here.
Download the Enterprise WSDL file from Salesforce org and copy this file to \lib\soapclient.
Deploy to Heroku using these three commands.
git add .
git commit -m "YOUR_COMMENT"
git push heroku master
Login to Magento admin panel.
Create Custom Field in Contact Us form:
Go to System >> Transactional Emails >> Add New Template
Select 'Contact Form' from Template drop down
Click on 'Load Template'.
Add "Company: {{var}}" in the template content, to add a new Company field in the form.
Click on 'Save Template'.
Design Change
Go to System >> Design >> Add Design Change.
Select 'forcegento' from drop down for Custom Design.
Cick 'Save'.
Configure Salesforce API Extension
Go to System >> Configuration
In 'TechnoMile Salesforce API Extension' section, click on 'Salesforce API Configuration'.
Enable the API
Fill Salesforce username, password, token
Specify the path of WSDL file.
Select the client type (Enterprise, Partner)
Click on 'Check Salesforce Connection' button to validate Salesforce connection
Enter the license key that you received in your email, to validate the API license
Save the configurations.
This will connect the magento app to SalesForce through SOAP.
Click here for getting your Access Key ID and Secret Access Key.
Click here to learn how to create a S3 bucket on amazon.
Login to Magento admin panel.
Go to System >> Configuration >> Catalog >> Image CDN
Under General Settings select the following fields.
Current Adapter as Amazon S3/CloudFront
File Result Cache as In database (recommended)
Cache Time-to-Live as 1440
Verify File Size as Yes
Image Compression as -- Use default --
Under Amazon S3/CloudFront input the following fields.
Input your Access Key ID
Input your Secret Access Key
Input your Bucket name
Input your Base URL Or Input your Secure Base URL
Click on Save Config and you are done.
Login to Magento admin panel.
Go to System >> Configuration >> Aschroder Extensions >> SMTP Pro
Under General Settings configure your SMTP connection below.
Select Email Connection as SendGrid
Input your SendGrid Username
Input your SendGrid Password
Click on Save Config and you are done.